Equity with WORTH

Health + Healthcare
Included below are different organizations our focus group selected around the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor community. The demographics these organizations look to serve, as well as their missions, and modes of activism differ; but, are all united by a common goal in protecting and furthering health equity.
our featured orgs
Students for Reproductive Rights & Justice
Students for Reproductive Rights and Justice, or SRRJ, advocates for reproductive rights and justice, sexual health, and feminism through tabling, larger events, and making student voices known to state and national legislators. They work to educate hundreds of people through events that promote the de-stigmatization of abortion and provide a platform for people to creatively express their experiences of womanhood and bodily autonomy.

The Maternal and Child Health Student Association
The Maternal and Child Health Student Association (MCHSA) brings together students who are passionate about sexual and reproductive health. We discuss health inequities, which are rooted in historical traumas, that then perpetuate the inequitable dissemination of privileges and resources important to health, informed-decision making, and body sovereignty.

Dial - a - Doula
Located at Von Voightlander Women’s Hospital, the Dial-a-Doula Program connects people with volunteer doulas. These doulas can help create a birth plan, assist during labor and delivery with comfort measures, support for family and friends, connect you with resources, or assist with breastfeeding after the

Empower Through Health
Empower Through Health UMICH, or ETH Umich, is the University of Michigan’s chapter of Empower Through Health, which seeks to improve reproductive healthcare in Eastern Uganda. “The University of Michigan chapter hopes to achieve an increase in contraceptive education, use, and access, and give vulnerable women agency to make empowered life decisions.”

Prison Birth Project
Prison Birth Project is a student organization at the University of Michigan that operates at the intersection of reproductive and restorative justice. They aim to ensure legal reproductive healthcare access inside & outside of the carceral system. They also advocate for humane conditions of confinement and smooth reentry to society. They additionally engage in research projects, educational initiatives, community outreach, and political organizing.

Elevate seeks to promote intersectional feminist by creating a platform for underrepresented voices. They seek to focus on the underrepresented within feminist movements themselves. “We want to destabilize the myth that all women have the same experiences and same understandings of empowerment and highlight the scope of what it means to be a feminist.”