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M-HEAL - Project MIA


What does Project MIA do? 

Project MIA (menstruation in the Amazon) is working with the Kashibo-cocha community in the Peruvian Amazon to develop a sustainable menstrual product. The community currently uses old rags and bits of fabric as menstrual products which leads to menstruators being unable to attend school or work. Project MIA’s solution is to create a reusable outer design with a locally sourced plant-based absorbent core. This would allow community members to be entirely self-sufficient once given the instructions on how to create the design.

What population does Project MIA look to serve? 

Project MIA works to mitigate the lack of access to sterile menstrual hygiene products. This issue discourages girls from attending school, jeopardizes women’s health, and limits socioeconomic opportunities.Overall, Project MIA strives to develop a sustainable method to enhance the menstrual experience for women and girls in the Peruvian Amazon in order to improve community health and promote socioeconomic opportunities within the communities.

How to get involved: 

M-HEAL doesn’t require any previous experience or specific skills to join a project team and is open to all undergraduate students, not just engineers! Application information can be found on their website: 


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