According to Ataia a member of the leadership team for BRHP...
What does Black Radical Healing Pathways (BRHP) do?
BRHP aims to create space in the School of Social Work for Black graduates fighting discrimination by creating a safe, cultural space. Their primary goal is to center Black people as an act of love and seeks to uplift Black communities. Although the club engages in activism it is primarily focused on healing. Also, the club is not only for Black students. Although it is intentional about creating space for them, certain events and general meetings are open to anyone interested. BRHP seeks to create a space in which Black students can practice being a social worker without facing the microaggressions or disregard for the humanness of black people that can occur in the classroom. It aims to be a safe space for Black students that centers on empowerment and liberation.
Where can I learn more about BRHP?
BHRP has a Maize Pages in which anyone who is interested in discovering more about this organization can easily access more contact information. https://maizepages.umich.edu/organization/brhp